Friday, 14 October 2011

The Joke at Justice

The Examiner
William Heuisler

"Holder" and "Justice" in the same sentence are becoming a joke.

Finally Attorney General Holder's honesty has been questioned by Congress.

According to records and testimony, over the past dozen years, Attorney General (AG) Eric Holder, has lied to Congress many times. For example. he lied about gun smuggling, a $48 million thief and FALN terrorists.

Recently, AG Holder was accused of  "lack of trustworthiness" in his May 3rdtestimony denying long-term knowledge of Fast and Furious (F&F) - the ATF gun smuggling scheme where 2,000-plus guns were "straw bought" at Arizona gun shops, and smuggled to Mexican drug cartels. F&F guns were found at Tucson District Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry's murder scene.

A letter to Congress last Tuesday added to the lies. AG Holder wrote, he had, "no recollection of knowing about 'Fast and Furious' or of hearing its name prior to the public controversy about it. Prior to early 2011, I certainly never knew about the tactics employed in the operation." (Seper, 2011)

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